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Online Application
Welcome to the Specialty Human Services Online Application Form. Use of this form will expedite quote turnaround time for accounts that meet the following criteria:
i. Less than $15,000 in premium
ii. Less than $5,000,000 in total insured value for the entire account
iii. One of the following types of accounts:
- After School Programs
- Chambers of Commerce
- Community Recreation Centers including Tennis and Racquet Clubs
- Community Service Clubs including but not limited to Kiwanis, Jaycees, Lions
- Community/neighborhood associations
- Fitness Centers
- Food banks, food pantries, soup kitchens, and similar
- Foundations including private or public, charity, grant-making, philanthropy, and other funding support.
- Historical Societies or Clubs
- Houses of Worship
- Museums
- Performing/Visual Arts including but not limited to centers, troupes, traveling theatre, groups, teams, bands, orchestras, symphony, dance studios, and performing or visual arts schools.
- Professional Societies and Associations not including labor unions
- PTA/PTO or other student supportive services including tutoring
- Social or Ethnic Clubs or Associations
- Vocational Counseling or Employment Training
If your account does NOT meet the above eligibility requirements, please do NOT submit business via the tool but instead, visit to learn more about SHS and to whom you should submit business for a standard quote. Additionally, if you believe your account to be a fit but SHS determines it is not, the account will still be routed to your standard underwriter for consideration.
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